• Meeting, Bear Event

    Sunday, August 18, 2013 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

    Piazzeta Národního divadla, Prague, Czech Republic

    Published 9/5/2014

​Just come to us to entertain and show what bears are to the other visitors of Prague Pride festival.
During the afternoon "Tea party till five" at "Piazzeta Národního divadla" we have an opportunity to show the others who we are and what we are doing.
By the free hugs we would like to invite them to the saturday's march and afternoon programme of Prague Pride.
Thus please come to us and contribute :)

Everything takes place in the backdrop of street furniture that summer for the piazza every year is comprised of architects under 35. This year's installation "About table and chair" designed by Matěj Petránek and Studio 0.5 includes a 30-meter table and two cages for transporting backdrops of "Nová scéna". Café "U stolu Jarda Mayer" is open in one of these daily from 12 till 22 hours.
To bring with you: flags, t-shirts and the other items of bear pride.