​Shaggy beer or "Close Encounters of the Bear Kind" - come for beer with bears, cubs and just guys.

For this time we are going to meet in the restaurant Hostinec u Kohouta, Třída ČSA 216 street in Hradec Králové - not only bears from the eastern Czechia are welcome!
If you would like to join us for travelling from Prague, please let us know.
Haven't been at any of our events?
Going out for beer is a good opportunity to become familiar with our culture, meet new friends.
It's good to be there soon (as the first) - you can join that evolving group with ease. It's nice to target a bigger group, there is a greater chance to participate
Just introduce yourself - say hello and tell us that you are a newcomer, you are welcome :)
We do not judge anybody according to appearance, age or other things - for us, bears, they do not matter.
How it's going?
The atmosphere is not always the same. It depends on the people who come - but the basis is always the same. Don’t expect too much - just go out to talk. Take making a new acquaintance as a bonus, create entertainment by yourself – don’t come with “amuse me” attitude.
It starts at 7pm - so you would go directly from work.
We are looking forward to you :)