• Meet up: 10/28/2015 (it is a bank holiday) at 6:35am in Prague at Masarykovo nádraží in front of arrival displays.
We will buy a group return ticket on spot.
• Departure: at 6:52am by R 692 to Lovosice (7:56am), then 8:01am departure by Os 6102 to Libochovice město (8:33am).
According to the map we are going from Libochovice to Hazmburk Castle, then through ruins of Košťálov Castle and Vchynice to Lovosice. There we will have late lunch.
• Return back: by train from Lovosice by R 689 5:58pm (arrival to Prague 7:02pm) or by Os 6921 at 7:30pm (arrival to Prague 9:16pm).
• Path: ~20km, moderate challenging, paved and unpaved roads, forest terrain, hilly terrain
• Map: http://mapy.cz/s/lD0T
• Plese bring something to drink and an appropriate snack