● Meet up: 10:00 at the entrance of metro B - Stodůlky at Šostakovičovo náměstí with your bike ready

● In case of really bad weather we have an alternative - swimming in the pool at Radlická:
In that case we will meet at 10:00am at the entrance of metro B - Radlická, please bring swimsuit, 2 towels (on for sauna), something to drink.
We are going from metro Stodůlky through Řeporyje, Ořech to Dobřichovice nearby Vltava river, then along the river back to Prague to Smíchovské nádraží.
When the weather allows it we could try swimming in the river at Mokropsy.
There will be possibility to have beer and a sausage at some kiosk during the trip - but don't forget to bring enough drinking water.
● Path: moderately challenging with some hills in the first third, lenght 40km