• Meet up: 10/09/2016 at 8:45am in Prague in front of LYDC London shop. We will buy a group return ticket on spot.
  • Departure: at 9:12am by EX 354 to Beroun (9:48am), then 9:55am departure by Os 7719 to Pustověty (10:42am).
  • Return back: 4:11pm from Křivoklát by train Os 7730 to Beroun (5:00pm), then by RX 766 (arrival to Prague 5:41pm) or 5:09pm by Os 7732 (7:58pm), then 6:04pm by EC355 (arrival to Prague 6:41pm).
From the train station Pustověty we are going along the red path to the viewtower Velká Buková and then to the castle Křivoklát.
  • Path: ~9km, slightly challenging, paved and unpaved roads, forest terrain, hilly terrain
  • Map: https://mapy.cz/s/16JBK
  • Plese bring something to drink and an appropriate snack, if you like - bring a sausage to bake it over fire