• Meet up: 09/25/2016  at 8:35am in Prague at Masarykovo nádraží in front of arrival displays.
We will buy a group return ticket on spot.

• Departure: at 8:53am by R 691 to Lovosice (9:57am), then 10:03am departure by Os 16126 to Velemin (10:17am).
We are going from Velemín train stop along the green path and along the blue path up tu the mountain Milešovka.
Then along the red path to Milešov and then along the blue path to a ruin of the castle Ostrý and then back to Lovosice.
Nearby the railway station in the restaurant U Kašpara we are having late lunch (and of course beer). (http://www.ukaspara.com/)
• Return back: by train R 689 from Lovosice 5:58pm (arrival to Prague 7:02pm) or by R691 7:58pm (arrival to Prague 9:08pm).
Path: ~22km, moderate challenging, paved and unpaved roads, forest terrain, hilly terrain
• Map: https://mapy.cz/s/10ANc
• Plese bring something to drink and an appropriate snack