Let's go walk through winter landscape and in spite of the season to broil sausages over an open fire.
  • Meet up: 01/2/2016 at 8:50am in Prague at Smíchovské nádraží in the main hall in front of cash desks.
    We will buy a group return ticket on spot.
  • Departure at 9:11am by a train S6 to Beroun-Závodí. Arrival at 9:57am.
  • Return back: Trains go twice in an hour 16:15, 16:45, 17:15...
  • We will go from Beroun along red line next to a reservation Brdatka to a viewtower Děd - there is possibility to create fire, so we will broil sausages there:
    Please bring sausage, mustard and bread! :)

    Afterwards we will have late lunch in a brewery "Berounský medvěd":
  • Path: approx 11km, moderately challenging, woodland terrain
  • Check the photos from the previous event: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.655600634499596.1073741870.421104147949247